Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood.
Your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells,but high
Your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells,but high
levels of cholesterol can increase your risk of heart
disease.With high cholesterol,you can develop fatty deposits
disease.With high cholesterol,you can develop fatty deposits
in your blood vessels.Eventually,these deposits grow, making
it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries.
Sometimes, those deposits can break suddenly and form a
clot that causes a heart attack or stroke.High cholesterol can
clot that causes a heart attack or stroke.High cholesterol can
be inherited, but it's often the result of unhealthy lifestyle
choices,which make it preventable and treatable. A healthy
diet, regular exercise and sometimes medication can help
reduce high cholesterol.
Arcus senilis is a gray or white arc visible above and below the outer part of the cornea — the clear, domelike covering over the front of the eye. Eventually, the arc may become a complete ring around the colored portion (iris) of your eye.
Arcus senilis is common in older adults. It's caused by fat (lipid) deposits deep in the edge of the cornea. Arcus senilis doesn't affect vision, nor does it require treatment.
When arcus senilis occurs in older adults, it isn't related to high cholesterol. However, an arc or ring around the iris sometimes occurs in younger people who have severe cases of high cholesterol and high triglycerides passed down through families (familial hyperlipidemia). In people with familial hyperlipidemia, this arc or ring typically occurs before age 45 and is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
Cholesterol is carried through your blood, attached to proteins. This combination of proteins and cholesterol is called a lipoprotein. There are different types of cholesterol, based on what the lipoprotein carries. They are:
· Low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, transports cholesterol particles
throughout your body. LDL cholesterol builds up in the walls
of your arteries, making them hard and narrow.
· High-density lipoprotein (HDL).
HDL, or "good" cholesterol, picks up excess cholesterol and
takes it back to your liver.
A lipid profile also typically measures triglycerides,
a type of fat in the blood. Having a high triglyceride level
can also increase your risk of heart disease.
Factors you can control — such as inactivity, obesity and
an unhealthy diet — contribute to high cholesterol and
low HDL cholesterol. Factors beyond your control might
play a role, too. For example, your genetic makeup might
keep cells from removing LDL cholesterol from your blood
efficiently or cause your liver to produce too much cholesterol.
Risk factors
Factors that can increase your risk of bad cholesterol include:
· Poor diet. Eating saturated fat, found in animal products,
and trans fats, found in some commercially baked cookies
and crackers and microwave popcorn, can raise your
cholesterol level. Foods that are high in cholesterol, such
as red meat and full-
fat dairy products, will also increase your cholesterol.
· Obesity.
Having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater puts you
at risk of high cholesterol.
· Lack of exercise.
Exercise helps boost your body's HDL, or "good," cholesterol
while increasing the size of the particles that make up your LDL, or
"bad," cholesterol, which makes it less harmful.
· Smoking.
Cigarette smoking damages the walls of your blood vessels,
making them more prone to accumulate fatty deposits. Smoking might also lower your level of HDL, or "good," cholesterol.
· Age.
Because your body's chemistry changes as you age,
your risk of high cholesterol climbs. For instance, as you
age, your liver becomes less able to remove LDL cholesterol.
· Diabetes.
High blood sugar contributes to higher levels of a dangerous
cholesterol called very-
lowdensity lipoprotein (VLDL) and lower HDL cholesterol.
High blood sugar also damages the lining of your arteries.
Development of atherosclerosis
High cholesterol can cause a dangerous accumulation of
cholesterol and other deposits on the walls of your arteries
(atherosclerosis). These deposits (plaques) can reduce blood
flow through your arteries, which can cause complications,
such as:
· Chest pain.
If the arteries that supply your heart with blood (coronary arteries)
are affected, you might have chest pain (angina) and
other symptoms of coronary artery disease.
Heart attack.
If plaques tear or rupture, a blood clot can form at the plaque-
rupture site — blocking the flow of blood or breaking free
and plugging an artery downstream. If blood flow to part
of your heart stops, you'll have a heart attack.
· Stroke.
Similar to a heart attack, a stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to part of your brain.
The same heart-
healthy lifestyle changes that can lower your cholesterol can
help prevent you from having high cholesterol in the first
place. To help prevent high cholesterol, you can:
· Eat a low-
salt diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables and whole grains
· Limit the amount of animal fats and use good fats in moderation
· Lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight
· Quit smoking
· Exercise on most days of the week for at least 30 minutes
· Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all
· Manage stress
works naturally on your body system to restore your blood pressure to normal within 30 days or more. Recall the major causes of BP and High Cholesterol we earlier outlined, The products in the pack works synergistically to address and arrest each of the issues From dissolving the built up cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels to dissolving the dematerializing toxins in the blood, to strengthening both the blood vessels and the heart muscles.
The packs works naturally healing your system from the roots. Most of the health challenges we experience today stem from nutritional gaps, some from ingestion wrong foods
High Cholesterol has sent many to their grave too early. But these are Completely Preventable Deaths. Our High Cholesterol Solution Pack has been used by many across the globe to Normalize their Cholesterol Level. Yours is next! It's with excitement that I present this All Natural Pack that works to not only Normalize your Cholesterol Level but also to fill you with health and vitality that would amaze you. There are ZERO side-effects.
The Pack comes with THREE(2) amazing Forever Living Products Nutritional Supplements which synergize to Normalize and clear your High Cholesterol Level and Blood Pressure and help you recover lost Feeling of Wholesome Wellness and Vitality. High Cholesterol-Solution-Pack
The products are discussed below to enable you make an informed decision to live free of High Cholesterol and Normalize Blood Pressure Issues for life!
Artic Sea is exceptional and therefore stands out and tall as the Omega 3 that really works. Reason for this is no mystery! It is produced with the Patented Cold Process which, though slower, helps retain all the great qualities of fish oil in dissolving bad cholesterol in your blood stream. It also prevents further build up of cholesterol plaques that narrow your arteries
L-arginine is very important for many processes in the testicles and penis can have a positive impact on the strength and mobility of sperm.
Professor Frank Sommer. It has been directly proven that taking
Larginine supplementsleads to better sperm development
(both in more ejaculate, higher sperm count and better motility).1,2 The testicles need Arginine to produce spermin, a polyamine first discovered in human semen and now known to occur in almost all tissues.
Sperm in is concentrated particularly high in semen and is responsible for its
characteristic smell and more importantly to stabilize and preserve
the human DNA. It ensures the mobility of the sperm and plays an
important role in cell division itself. A higher Arginine consumption
therefore causes average ejaculate volume to increase.
Researchers were able to prove in the 1970s that the supplementation of
Argininecan help increase a reduced quantity (count) of sperm in the ejaculate
The dosages given to the subjects in these studies ranged between 4g and 8g
per day.
Indirectly, arginine also leads to a better chance of pregnancy due to its
strengthening of erections and thus the prospect of more frequent sexual
The dosages given to the subjects in these studies ranged between 4g and 8g
per day.
Indirectly, arginine also leads to a better chance of pregnancy due to its
strengthening of erections and thus the prospect of more frequent sexual
Arginine produced NO regulates the rate of blood flow (vascularity) and
consequently the supply of nutrients throughout the body.
This regulation of blood vessels means that it is indispensable for healthy
functioning arteries and circulation.
Urologists recommend taking arginine in their dietary treatment of erectile
This regulation of blood vessels means that it is indispensable for healthy
functioning arteries and circulation.
Urologists recommend taking arginine in their dietary treatment of erectile
dysfunction for this reason.
It helps blood flow to the penis.
To experiencethe benefits of improved systemic vascularity (blood flow throughout the body) a minimum daily Arginine dose of 3000mg is
It helps blood flow to the penis.
To experiencethe benefits of improved systemic vascularity (blood flow throughout the body) a minimum daily Arginine dose of 3000mg is
Seeing the Urologist can be a very sobering experience for aspiring fathers.
Seeing the Urologist can be a very sobering experience for aspiring fathers.
Especially, when they have.
Supplement by couples facing fertility issues. L-arginine is a semi essential
amino acid usedin a number of physiological functions.
The body is able to make larginine, though dietary intake is important for
ensuring you have enough of this amino acid.
Good dietary sources include nuts, lentils, kidney beans and fresh soybeans.
Other dietary sources include egg yolk, meats and dairy products. Larginine is important for optimum health, and is thought to protect against
a number of health conditions.
L-arginine is important for a strong immune system,
and is also recommended for couples facing fertility issues.
As well as eating a diet rich in the food sources mentioned above,
you may wish to take a daily supplement to increase your l-arginine intake.
L-arginine is thought to improve the reproductive health of both
men and women because:
1. It increases blood circulation to the uterus, ovaries and genitals -
increased blood flow can improve reproductive health.
L-arginine allows for better blood circulation to the ovaries, allowing for
optimum egg production.
The increased blood flow to the uterus also creates a better environment
to allow the implantation of a fertilized egg.
Blood flow is important for the proper functioning of the reproductive organs,
and may improve the chances of conception.
2. It increases Nitric Oxide levels- L-arginine is used by the body to create Nitric Oxide (NO).
Research has found that increased
NO levels supports healthy inflammation levels which may help to prevent uterine fertility issues such as fibroids,
endometriosis and PCOS.
Inflammation is a contributing factor to a number of fertility issues shown
to negatively impact conception and implantation.
3. Supports normal sperm production - research has found that taking a l-arginine supplement daily can increase sperm production in men. In the study,
the effects were noticeable 6-8 weeks from the start of supplementation. Larginine may also improve the motility of sperm, thus increasing the
chance of conception in couples suffering from low sperm motility.
Where IVF is used, l-arginine can be used to improve the quality of sperm,
increasing the the chance of achieving a fertilized egg.
4. Improve the production of cervical mucous -the increased blood flow to
the reproductive organs canaid in the production of cervical mucous.
Abnormal mucous production contributes to the challenges faced by around
1 in 20 women dealing with fertility issues.
Some women do not produce enough cervical mucous,
and others produce a mucous that is too thick for sperm to travel through.
Larginine can encourage better production ofcervical mucous
through improved blood flow.
5.Supportsa healthy libido arginine increases blood flow to the genitals in
both men and women, leading to an increased libido. In men, increased blood flow to the penis can result in more
frequent and sustained erections.
L-arginine is often suggested for men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
In women, increased blood flow to the genitals can lead to increased
sexual arousal and orgasm.
A healthy libido plays an important role in conception.

GHC 230.00
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